The travelling Arrow, a prestigious symbol of the Order

At the regular meeting of the Evergreen Remembrance Conclave No 229, V. Wy. Bro Reg Willsher Supreme Ruler of St Martins Conclave No 509 delivered the much-awaited and highly treasured “Travelling Arrow” into the warm and loving care of Wy. Bro Bill Roberts Supreme Ruler Evergreen Remembrance Conclave, surrounded by the esteemed members of the Fraternity, and under the watchful eye of the Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler R. Wy Bro Dennis Freshwater who had graciously honored the Conclave with his presence.

The Brethren of Evergreen, who had taken on the noble responsibility of safeguarding the precious “Travelling Arrow,” were imbued with a great sense of honor and duty to heartily continue the tradition, and accordingly, are now entrusted with the important task of delivering the “Travelling Arrow” to the esteemed and distinguished Supreme Ruler of Woodloes Conclave at the Conclaves next regular meeting, which they look forward to carrying out with utmost pride and responsibility.