Resumption of Masonic Activities Provincial Grand Conclave of Warwickshire

Further to the attached communication from Mark Masons Hall, and following the lifting of government restrictions, I am lifting the local suspension on all our meetings as of the 1st September 2021,

Conclaves may therefore start to plan for the return to physical meetings. As meetings start up, we must, of course, remember that not all brethren are yet comfortable with attending meetings.

The Grand Recorder has made it clear that it is each brother’s own choice as to when they feel comfortable to attend meetings and festive boards, and whether they wish to wear masks etc, and it is right we respect each brother’s wishes.

Hesitancy to attend meetings in person may lead to a Conclave meeting not being viable and you should bear in mind that it is very much still  ‘in order’ to abandon meetings if it becomes apparent that insufficient numbers will be attending.

We already have this situation with Sutton Coldfield Conclave No 228 which was due to meet on Wednesday 8th September 2021 they will not meet on this date and are planning for February 2022.

If you do have to abandon a meeting, please let the myself and the Provincial Recorder know ASAP so that MMH can be informed.

And make sure you tell all the members of the Conclave physically not just by E mail that the meeting will not take place we do not want a Brother turning up to an abandoned meeting.

Most importantly, I am asking the Supreme Ruler and Secretary of each Conclave to physically contact each member if possible a month before your meeting is due to establish if they are attending and to make sure you have a full team to carry out any work.

If you are short remember the Province may be able to help with filling positions.

A summons will have to be prepared for all meetings taking place or abandoned and a copy must be forwarded to myself, my Dep PGSR Neil Watkin and the Provincial Recorder Chris Hallam plus The Commander and Deputy Commander of my Arch of Steel Wy Bros David Ursell and Steve Sampson.

All Conclaves will have a Proclamation or Installation to do plus other work such as candidates and my Arch of Steel needs to know what is occurring at all meetings so that they may book in and plan accordingly.

E mail addresses below for summons distribution:

Please remember I am here as always to give advice and support to all of you at any time, I am looking forward to seeing many of you over the coming months, but remember, stay safe and look after each other there is no rush.

 With reference to Candidates and new joining members to the Province I am extending the offer I made for 1st September 2020-31st August 2021 to 31st August 2022.

MMH are charging half subscriptions we will match that at Province for Candidates and new joining members to the Province that’s no subscriptions to MMH plus for Candidates and new joining members no Provincial Subscriptions for the same period. That could mean no subscriptions to those Conclaves who have rental not capitation. Brethren there is no better time to recruit and get new members in they will not find a better offer anywhere, or you may just fancy a second Conclave!!

I am aware that Evergreen Remembrance Conclave No 229 and Sutton Coldfield conclave No 228 are on a rental basis, think about it and if interested give me a call.

If other Conclaves are on rental let me know and I will distribute details to you all.

Yours within the friendship of the order

R.Wy. Bro. Trevor L.Cavill
Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler Warwickshire